Akin Hosts ‘FERC Order No. 2023-A: What’s New and What’s Next?’

April 9, 2024

Reading Time : 1 min

We are pleased to share a recording of Akin’s recently presented “FERC Order No. 2023-A: What’s New and What’s Next?” webinar, along with the program materials.

Panelists for this webinar included energy regulation, markets and enforcement partner Stephen Hug, senior counsel Scott Johnson and counsel Ben Reiter and was moderated by partner and fellow practice member Emily Mallen.

This webinar provides a high-level overview of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Order No. 2023-A, the latest step in FERC’s generator interconnection reform efforts. Akin’s energy regulatory team will review FERC’s rehearing order, next steps and future implications for the industry.

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